Pre-Publish Checks

Pre-Publish Checks

Before carrying out Pre-Publish checks, Prepare files for upload 

Stage 1

  1. Put only the files to be uploaded into a folder on your local machine.
  2. In Windows file explorer View menu, check the hidden files checkbox.
  3. Check no hidden files are in the folder.
  4. Check that all files are closed.
  5. Check the file sizes are what you expect.

Stage 2

We highly recommend you check your files with dtSearch Desktop:

In dtSearch Desktop:
a) Options|Preferences menu:
Indexing options – select index document properties; index numbers, index filenames.  Unselect all other check-boxes.
b) Letters and words: alphabet:; noise:  none.dat. hyphens: as spaces.
c) Search Results: select only  Title and First Hits in Context.
d) PDF View Options: select View PDF files as plain text

e) Index|Create Advanced:  Enter a Name for the index; in Fields to display in search results, type carefully all the fields that will be used in search facets or field search filters. Click OK
f) Click Yes to add documents. Click Add Folder… browse to your folder and click OK. Click Start Indexing, do NOT check the close when done checkbox.
g) Click View Log. Look at the Documents not Indexed and Documents Partially Indexed sections, these should be zero. Check the Documents Indexed match the number of files in your folder.

Stage 3

In dtSearch Desktop:
a) Open the search dialog (Crtl+S), select only the index you just created, enter  xfirstword  in the search box, press the Enter key.

b) Ignore the Name column, look at the Title column: make sure all the titles are the same matching style e.g. all UPPER CASE all Sentence case or all Title Case, whatever your preference. In Search Cloud One the default setting is to display the Title in the search results together with a snippet of text around the first search query ‘hit’, therefor the appearance of the Title field is important.

c) Now look at the other search result columns, check that all fields
that you set at Stage 2(e) exist. Check every file has a suitable value in it.
You might want to click on the headers of the columns to sort them into alphabetical order to spot missing files, or carry out Field searches on a sample.

Only when you are satisfied that all the files in your collection can be found and viewed should you upload them to Search Cloud One.

Next step: Upload Documents…