eSearch Lite (Free) & Language File Editor (Free) Released!
eSearch Pro (Desktop and Portable versions) coming soon!
Currently using other Desktop Search tools? We’d love to have you test our new software (Currently at beta test stage). Suited for professionals that currently use dtSearch Desktop, Agent Ransack, FileLocator Pro, Copernic Elite or similar. All feedback & suggestions welcome even if you aren’t able to take part in beta testing.
Discount/Free subscriptions for beta testers or have an existing licensed Pro/Full version of similar products.
64-bit Windows Desktop & Portable versions now. macOS/Linux planned.
This demo page was created with the WordPress plug-in, no programming was needed.
It demonstrates the use of facets (Brand, Color, Engine, etc.) that let users drill down through the document collection without having to create a complex search such as Mercedes AND diesel AND sedan.
The files were uploaded as Word documents (.docx) with Properties (Advanced, Custom) entered for each of the facets.
This demo page was created with the WordPress plug-in, no programming was needed.
It demonstrates the use of filters to narrow the search without having to type a long query such as Title contains (Smith v Cotoco Freezing company) or Date Of Judgment contains (2016/01/21).
Try clicking the filter in the search bar, enter a Date of Judgment of 21 Jan 2016, click Apply.
PDF files were uploaded with custom properties created in Adobe Acrobat called Date of Judgment and Case Title. The files are automatically converted by Search Cloud One to HTML to allow multi-color hit-highlighting.
Try a search for – holden and fashion and ashi – click on the search result to view the document with each word of the search in a different color.
The 20 files in this demo are a small sample donated by Toma Legal Retrieve from their large collection of over 30,000 documents.
This demo page was created with the WordPress plug-in, no programming was needed.
It demonstrates a single search page that can search multiple categories of documents. Each category (Cars, Legal, Classics) has search features to suit the documents metadata.
The 20 files in the Legal category are a small sample donated by Toma Legal Retrieve from their large collection of over 30,000 documents.